Khun Kedkanda Rusue - A cook and house keeper

Kedkanda  Rusue - A cook and house keeper

Another invaluable staff member at Bahn Ruam Jai is Khun Kedkanda, the cook. She arrived in 2014 with a deep understanding of not just putting food on the table, but also nutrition and the proper combining of foods. This knowledge is shared daily as the children regularly participate in food preparation and make charts that indicate the nutritional value and other key elements of each item served that day.

Khun Kedkanda is a tireless and selfless worker. With so many mouths to feed there is obviously no lack of work to be done. She also supervises hygiene of the boys’ dormitory, does the shopping, extensive cleaning, and acts as driver when required! Khun Kedkanda has a young daughter who stays with her at the project.  She is getting the benefit of feeling like being part of a very large, caring and happy family!

17 March 2022

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