Khun Naruethep Puengthai - Facilitator

Naruethep  Puengthai - Facilitator

A former village headman for Jeng village a Lowland Thai community in Mae Jam District. He then served as deputy major of Mae Jam sub-district of Mae Jam district. After that Naruethep became an extremely valuable staff member who is the backbone of the agriculture component of Bahn Ruam Jai. He is also a driver and music teacher for the students.

His expertise in paddy field rice production allows the project to cover several months of its rice requirements with home grown, top quality organic rice each year. He happily passes these increasingly less common skills onto every student at Bahn Ruam Jai. His calm and thoughtful influence is also evident when the student band gets together for a delightful performance that features several Thai Traditional instruments. The children are very lucky for the fact that Naruethep has chosen Bahn Ruam Jai as the place to transmit his experience and skills.

Naruethep serves like other staff of BRJ when he has free time from his main duties. He waters the garden and cleans the buildings as well as the project compound.

17 March 2022

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