
Category: Testimonial

Jumpon Laohang

Jumpon came to BRJ from the Hmong village of Buak Jan when he was 11 years old after as he was identified as being at serious risk due to having parents who were not able to care for him.  Unable to attend school, he was coopted to work unsupervised for a family in the fields, in exchange for food. When Jumpon arrived at Bahn Ruam Jai he was malnourished, showed signs of serious neglect and his one pair of trousers were held up by a chain or rubber bands.  He had no shoes and was in need of medical care.

At Bahn Ruam Jai, Jumpon was able to attend school. He was quick to respond to the loving care that was provided, the extra tutoring that enabled him to learn Thai and enjoyed regular healthy meals and the various activities that are part of life at Bahn Ruam Jai. He was able to enter Chiang Mai Technical College when he was 19 years old. He became a certified electrician - a trade that has given him strong employment possibilities for many years to come.

Along with a two-year period in the Thai army and another two years working as a welder for a shipping company in Japan, Jumpon carries with him an entrepreneurial spirit. He has tried his hand at several ventures including an ice cream stand and other food stalls. He has the skills and desire to do well in the world and will quickly note that Bahn Ruam Jai has been the spring board to get him started in life.  Let's all wish him well!

17 March 2022

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