Khun Kumthorn Pooriwarangkakul - Deputy Director

Kumthorn Pooriwarangkakul - Deputy Diector

Khun Kumthorn has been familiar with Bahn Ruam Jai since he studied his Bachelor of Social Science at Chiang Mai University. During that time, he served as an unpaid volunteer of Bahn Ruam Jai on the weekends. He helped to work on our organic vegetable garden and in the kitchen as well as tutoring mathematics to the children.

After graduating he went back to work in the family business for some time. Due to his experiences and appreciation for the children/youth development program he applied to work with Bahn Ruam Jai again as a full time project staff member. Many people who came to visit BRJ appreciate his polite and gentle character.

At Bahn Ruam Jai Khun Kumthorn has worked on administration and management in a highly qualified as professional manner. In addition, he also serves as a coordinator for the schools where BRJ children/youth attend classes. Moreover, he spends his private time five days a week in the evening looking after the younger children. He provides counseling on their daily situations at Bahn Ruam Jai and at school. He also helps the children gain the skill of reading Thai and help with other school subject also.

Bahn Ruam Jai does not expect him to do an extra work but he volunteers himself. He loves the children and wishes them to have good quality of life and have a bright future.

Khun Kumthorn is another invaluable and important staff member of Bahn Ruam Jai.

17 March 2022

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